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Branchenbuch V3.1 Pro - Responsive - mehrsprachig
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Registration tips

Notes for your entry in our business directory

Information and rules

Important NOTE:
After registering your website, you will receive an email with your personal confirmation link. If no confirmation is received within 5 days, your entry will be deleted

We reserve the right to change entries or to put them in a branch other than the one selected.
There is no legal entitlement to an entry in our business directory.
We also ask for your understanding that it can take several days for your entry to be processed.

Your company in our business directory
Our business directory completely dispenses with so-called sessions (except in the member area) and therefore generates particularly search engine-friendly links.
The advantage for you: Your entry will be found not only with us, but also with many search engines after a short time.
Therefore, in your own interest, choose a title that is as descriptive as possible for your entry!

Standard entries are free.

Premium entries
Premium entries offer you several advantages over standard entries:


  • Your entry will be listed first in the industries
  • Your entry will not only be listed in the main branch, but in up to 4 branches
  •  In search queries, your entry appears first on the hit page
  • A premium entry starts at EUR 14.99 or you can set a backlink to us on the homepage of your website.

Important for your entry in our business directory

Enter up to 5 search words (keywords), max. 80 characters. Your entry will be found faster using our  search engine and will be listed at the top.
Please ONLY enter keywords that are relevant to your entry!

IMAGE link
You can also enter a link to a screenshot of your website or other graphics. Format: width as much as 120 pixels / height: up to 160 pixels - only JPG or GIF!

HTML tags:
Our system also accepts HTML tags for formatting your text!

You can see which HTML tags we accept in the registration form.

You can use your "partner link" to set a backlink (voluntarily) to us.
You will find your personal partner link in your account after logging in.
If you click on this link, you will also receive a rating point and will be listed accordingly higher in search queries.

The url:
If you enter a website, the link should always point to the home page!
We do not accept deep links or links that open a download window immediately, as well as so-called "RefLinks"!

Description text:
Enter a text that is as meaningful as possible for your offer!
 "... a great offer" or "... This is a must-see page" will not make a visitor click your link!
 You have enough space for your text - characters, but at least characters!

 No highlights - texts like: "..we are the cheapest" or "... only available from us" will be deleted without replacement.
Direct price information (e.g. in online shops) is also not indexed by us, as experience has shown that our members do not edit or add to these when the offer is changed!

 Important: Our terms of use apply to all entries in our business directory

Stand out from the crowd and bring your company listing to the forefront.
Order your premium listing now!

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I consent to my details being processed for a specific purpose in accordance with the data protection declaration

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Members : Members: 13 | today online: 0 | now online: 0

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Friday the 18. October | Page generated in 0.0063 Seconds

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